Olympox test 2024 GO 1207.13 Preparation and testing of knowledge of employees of organizations in the field of Civil Defense and Emergency Protection (CES).This section is intended for the preparation and assessment of knowledge on Civil Defense and Emergency Situations.The main topics presented in the exam test tickets Civil defense and emergency situations Civil defense and protection from emergency situations- Damaging factors of sources of emergency situations characteristic of the location and production activities of the organization, as well as weapons of mass destruction and other types of weapons- The procedure for receiving the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about an air raid, chemical alarm, radiation hazard or threat of catastrophic flooding and the actions of the organization’s employees regarding them- Procedure and rules for the use of personal and collective protective equipment, as well as fire extinguishing equipment available in the organization- Actions of employees in case of an accident, catastrophe and fire on the territory of the organization- Actions of the organization’s employees in the event of a threat and the occurrence of emergencies and military conflicts- First aid- Actions of the organization’s employees in the conditions of negative and dangerous factors of an everyday nature.